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For women and men

Liberate your voice and live your free and wild nature 

Are you longing to experience more joy, freedom, wildness, pleasure, aliveness and playfulness in your life?

Do you want to free and embrace your voice, your body wisdom, your sensuality and let your natural life force flow through you?

Are you curious to explore how (your) sound can support you in standing strongly in your truth and sharing yourself (more) authentically and fully?

There is immense power when we use sounds to connect deeper with our (energetic) womb to access and liberate our innate free nature, our life force and intuitive knowing. Opening our channel from here all the way up to our throat, gives us access to our voice in complete new ways! Transferring this to our daily lives supports us in standing strongly in our truth and in taking full responsibility for our needs and boundaries.


Imagine how the world would feel if we would all lead our life in alignment with our deep body wisdom,  and the cyclical rhythm of (our) nature...

Imagine that all our individual voices would be liberated so that we can truly contribute to the whole from a place of our fully expressed uniqueness...


In Awaken the Power of Your Womb, I welcome the voice of your (energetic) womb, your heart and wings, your lion(ness), your dragon, your witch, your priest(ess), your warrior, the child, teenager, parent and elder in you. I invite you to meet me in the fullness and authenticity of the multidimensional beings that we are!


​During this journey we come together for 3 1-on-1 Sound Temple ceremonies. Each session will be a balanced mix between structure and co-creation depending on what is alive in you in the moment, between ritual and play, between activation and integration. Through sound, movement, healing and nourishing touch and optional cacao, I will guide you in exploring your voice, your uninhibited life force, and unleashing your inner wildness!

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  • Connect deeper with your pure and free nature and embody and share this with others.

  • Explore your own ways to allow more joy, pleasure, wildness and playfulness into your life. 

  • Liberate your orgasmic life force so you feel more alive

  • Increase trust in your intuitive knowing and body wisdom

  • Free your voice and find the strength and courage to share your sounds and truth in authentic ways 

  • Use sound as a way to interact with the seen and unseen living beings around you (including plants, animals, elements and elementals).

  • Let go of shame and limiting beliefs, express emotions and move (stuck) energies in healthy ways

  • Discover how you can bring the magic of sound and the wisdom of your (energetic) womb into your daily life 

  • Remember the ancient/future ways by unlocking codes and anchoring certain transmissions into your body




  • Open more into their full feminine essence, with all the different ranges, energetic qualities and embodied ways of expression

  • Come into connection with their womb as a source of deep intuitive wisdom, orgasmic life force and natural creative power



  • Open more into their full masculin essence and embodied ways of expression while being in connection to the feminine energy within and the feminine outside of them

  • Come into connection with their energetic womb as a source of body wisdom, orgasmic life force and vivid sense of aliveness


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Date and location

Autumn 2024

 In the Netherlands or online.



To allow the magic of nature and the elements to truly work with us, specific locations in nature are chosen. Indoor alternatives are always available, if preferred or in case of rain.​

  • The heath in Bussum

  • The dunes in Helvoirt

  • Samudita in Bussum (indoors)

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Session themes

We work with different themes depending on what is alive in the moment:


  • Soul Sound exploration: Liberate your wild and free nature by opening your voice and (multidimensional) channel to explore the sounds of your soul

  • Body wisdom: Trust and follow your intuitive knowing by listening to and expressing the messages of your body and (energetic) womb

  • Womb activation: Awaken your orgasmic nature and life force by reconnecting with the power of your (energetic) womb

  • Animate wisdom: Align and balance yourself by using sound to attune to the elements and all living beings around us.


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For the complete journey

of 3 sessions of 1,5 hours:


EUR 440,-

(+ EUR 30,- for cacao in each session)


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Kamla Marie Bluhm

“I am feeling so much activation in my womb and my sacrum. Thank you for gently nudging me into this awakening. I feel my shame moving to the side so that I can step more naturally into my life force, my natural sexuality. I am remembering my feminine power again.” “When you were sounding, I was transported back into the temples and experienced a womb-initiation opening me into my crone-energy. In the days after I could feel it as an activation in my mature sexual magnetic energy”. 



I am a Sound Temple Keeper, Womb Awakener, Mother and Sisterhood/Tribe Weaver using nature as my sacred playing field! I share my gift of awakening the power of the voice and using the magic of sound as a tool for deep healing and transformation. With my presence, I transmit a deep sense of sisterhood/tribe, embodied womb wisdom, and a joyful, wild and free connection to nature.


An education in SoulVoice and work with Sounds of Light fired up my passion to share with others the power of sound and our voice as a tool for accessing our deep body wisdom and for liberating and expressing our purest self in all its human rawness and multidimensionality. My experience as a circle facilitator convinced me of the potential of (personal) transformation when we bring ourselves in connection with others in a field of safety, freedom and loving support. Carrying memories of oneness and sisterhood on a cellular level as a twin in this world and on a soul level from many lives with women in ancient temples, allows me to naturally transmit this healthy connection between sisters.


And nature… I simply love being in nature with its wildness, the elements, the cyclical rhythm of the moon and the sun, the nature beings and its incredible beauty allowing me to align and remember my deepest truth!


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